1. Introduction (Introduction to Python, History Of Python)
2. Introduction (PYTHON, Installation)
3. PYTHON Fundamentals (PYTHON Basic syntax)
4. Python Syntax , python Comments
5. Python Variables
6. Python Data Types
7. Python Comments
8. Python Variables
9. Python Data Types
10. Python Numbers
11. Python Casting
12. Python String
13. Python Booleans
14. Python Operators
15. Python Lists
16. Python Tuples
17. Python Sets
18. Python Dictionaries
19. Python If…else
20. Python While Loops
21. Python For Loops
22. Python Function
23. Python Lambda
24. Python Arrays
25. Python Classes/Objects
26. Python Inheritance
27. Python Iterators
28. Python Scopes
29. Python Modules
30. Python Dates
31. Python Math
32. Python JSON
33. Python RegEx
34. Python PIP
35. Python Try….Except
36. Python User Input
37. Python String Formatting
38. Python File Handling
39. Python Read Files
40. Python Write/Create Files
41. Python Delete Files